Winter Break

Hey loyal readers!

The artist has some news she’d like to share. You probably noticed her lack of posting the past few weeks. That is because she is currently on vacation for The Tavern Club for the holidays. She apologizes for any inconvenience. The artist will return next weekend with a new page!

Some more news is that the artist will ALSO be pushing publication of volume 1 of the Tavern Club! You can keep the webcomic with you anywhere you go with the hard copy, plus additional sketches and shorts that will not be posted on the regular webcomic! Please look forward to that within 2016!

January, 31st

Hey guys!

Sorry to note, but the tavern club updates will be on hold for a little bit. My stylus broke so I will be unable to finish the coloring pages until I get a new one. If it’s too long, I’ll just post the lineart pages. I apologize for the inconvenience and aggravation.


Aug 16th

Howdy! Sad to say, the Tavern Club will not be updated this Saturday. The artist will be at Gen Con working with the Dwarven Tavern. If you are going to Gen Con, the artist is the one with green hair! Feel free to stop her and say hello!

Also, as the artist is relocating to Japan on Thursday, she may not be able to provide the page for next week as well, however she has free time on the plane so hopefully she can knock out a page or two!!

 For updates on Gen Con, visit the Dwarven Tavern facebook page at !!

August 2nd

The Tavern Club artist apologizes that today’s comic page will have to be cancelled. The next posting will be Wednesday. This is due to a family loss, and preparation to move to a different country.

Thank you for understanding!

Monday June 23rd

Howdy y’all! Just wanted to let you all know, I’ve been editing chapter one’s artwork (mostly faces and bodies of the main characters). It’s come to my attention that my artwork has been fluctuating a lot, and I know consistency is a problem of mine. Therefore, I went back and fixed some problems I could spot to the best of my abilities. While I might go back and fix them again, most of them I’m pretty happy with. If you find any mistakes, please let me know! I can handle constructive criticism. When I finish chapter two, it will more than likely get the same treatment. Until then, please enjoy the comic!


January 27th

I just want to let everyone know that tomorrow is the first day of my semester of college, so my comic posts might come a little less routinely. I will try my hardest to keep up and post on Saturdays, even if lineart comes first and then color. We’ll see and hope for the best, I suppose. I hope everyone else that starts tomorrow, or have already started, the best of luck! Let’s do our best!



I thought that, since I had time today and won’t tomorrow, I’d organize the pages of the website a little better. I’ll add bios to the ATC page for the secondary characters I introduced, converted all the posts to comics, and will try to make sure the links always lead to the latest page. That latter part may take me a while, as I’m hardly tech savvy. We’ll see I suppose.

I’ll let you know if anything else gets changed or rearranged! Thanks for reading!
