
I thought that, since I had time today and won’t tomorrow, I’d organize the pages of the website a little better. I’ll add bios to the ATC page for the secondary characters I introduced, converted all the posts to comics, and will try to make sure the links always lead to the latest page. That latter part may take me a while, as I’m hardly tech savvy. We’ll see I suppose.

I’ll let you know if anything else gets changed or rearranged! Thanks for reading!



The Tavern Club’s Artist!

Hey guys and gals! Got some news for you. The Tavern Club is a webcomic sponsored by a wonderful fantasy website, the Dwarven Tavern, found at dwarventavern.net. The artist of this webcomic is also the art director of the Dwarven Tavern.
Gen Con is coming up this week, and though TTC will not be there (crossing fingers for next year!!!) the Dwarven Tavern will! If you want to meet the artist, Lyric Goins, just look for the Dwarven Tavern t-shirt and funky color hair. You’re sure to find her in the exhibit hall. She will be there all four days!
Ciao for now!